Celey Okogun recorgnized at Capella Graduation Ceremony

Celey Okogun, Ph.D
(click on picture to view live video)

Celey Okogun, CEO of NOVELPOTTA Y&R, the Nigerian office of the global advertising network, Young & Rubicam Brands, has successfully combined the challenging ever-busy, fast-paced world of advertising with the demands and thoroughness of the ivory tower. In a rare display of determination, zeal and can-do-spirit, he recently bagged a PhD in Organisation and Management, with specialisation in leadership from Capella University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
This academic attainment is the climax of three and half years of coursework, dissertation, and research titled “A Phenomenological Study of the Emergence of Leadership among Female Secondary School Principals in Nigeria”. The study which took Dr. Celey Okogun across Nigeria to interview female secondary principals, focused on secondary education, gender, and the emerging roles of female leaders in the school system historically dominated by men.
In his speech, the President of Capella University, Scott Kinney singled out Dr. Celey Okogun from the 800 strong graduates for his courage, resolve, and academic brilliance. He narrated thus: “Allow me to share a very brief story about a Capella Learner with you. Celey Okogun is a learner in the School of Business and Technology; and he will be receiving his PhD in Organisation and Management, leadership in just a few minutes. Celey is a businessman in the advertising industry. But he was particularly interested in an important topic in a very different field and a leadership topic; and that’s the field of secondary education. Principals in the high schools near Celey’s home have been historically men. But recently, there have been an emerging group of female principals who are showing extraordinary leadership under very difficult circumstances. He wrote his dissertation on this topic whilst working full time and raising three young children. And Dr. Celey Okogun has travelled over 10,000 miles to be with all of us today”